We have a BindableProperty set up as follows:
public static readonly BindableProperty DateProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<DatePickerCell, DateTime?>(ctrl => ctrl.Date,
defaultValue: default(DateTime?),
defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
propertyChanging: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
//Do something
public DateTime? Date
get { return (DateTime?)GetValue(DateProperty); }
SetValue(DateProperty, value);
When we set the Date property as follows:
Date = DateTime.Now;
we see that the Date property setter is hit and the SetValue call triggers the PropertyChanging delegate. However, when we run the following code:
Date = null;
we still hit the Date property setter and the SetValue call, but the PropertyChanging is not triggering. Why is this happening? We're trying to create a nullable DatePickerCell for usage in a TableView but without a working clear button it is kind of useless.