I have a cross platform project with Android and iOS. I'm using the Slider element and wish to make it recognize a tap as a change to a value in the slider.
<Slider HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"
Value="{Binding SliderValue, Source={StaticResource someViewModel}}"> <-- this works
Command = "{Binding SeekTo, Source={StaticResource someViewModel}}"/> <--- this doesn't
However this seems to never register the tap? Is it not supported for the Slider element? My command 'SeekTo' in my viewModel.cs is shown as this:
public class someViewModel : BaseViewModel {
public ICommand SeekTo { get; set; }
public someViewModel () {
SeekTo = new Command ( () => {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("TEST");
It does not output "TEST" when I tap on it. What can I do?