Hi guys,
I'm currently working on a crossPlatform app, and i had to create a custom Switch component.
the component itself is working just fine, but, it doesn't correct interact with my ViewModel as i intended.
My compement has:
public static readonly BindableProperty PressedProperty = BindableProperty.Create<MobileOnOffButton, bool>(s => s.Pressed, default(bool),BindingMode.TwoWay);
(Pressed is a Property)
My ViewModel is implementing "INotifyPropertyChanged",
and my ViewCell is SetBinding:
swtSelecionado.MyButton.SetBinding(MobileOnOffButton.PressedProperty, c => c.Selecionado);
the problem is, when "Selecionado" set, by:
DetalhesPedidoViewModelOBJECT.Selecionado = true.
the MobileOnOffButton.Pressed is not set true as well.
Anyone know what is missing ?