I have a custom renderer on my UI which inherits Entry. Once clicked, a Picker is fired (having to do it this way as there is no way to align the text in the picker centrally from what I can see).
When I click in the custom entry, the picker shows, but I'm also getting the keyboard. This only seems to be showing in iOS 9. Is there a way to dismiss the keyboard? I've tried the usual Control.ShouldBeginEditting = delegate {return false;}:, but that only results in the picker not showing.
I'm using this within the iOS custom renderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
var baset = e.NewElement as CustomPicker;
if (e.NewElement == null)
if (Control != null)
Control.InputAccessoryView = CreateDropList(this, new UIPickerView(), Control, baset.PickerEntries);
Control.EditingDidEnd += delegate
App.Self.MessageEvents.BroadcastIt("pickerupdated", Control.Text);
When I've used something similar in a native iOS app, I'm not getting the keyboard.
Is there something I need to be doing to remove the keyboard from the bottom of the picker?